Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lemony Sunshine

Yesterday was a dreary day, not to mention I felt sick (still do). We had company coming over that night and I had to make some goodies. So I found a recipe for Lemon on Lemon Shortbread Cookies in the Sept/Oct issue of Midwest Living magazine. What really makes it is the lemon juice filled glaze. We are dieting, but I tasted a small piece from a broken one and it was DELICIOUS! They have several other yummy looking cookie recipes in this issue too.

No, I do not own a pastry blender.

Not sure why they have you make scallops, but they look pretty before you cut up the dough into wedges.

The presentation. I finally get to use this platter.

Baking makes for a happy kitchen.

4 ripples:

Junie Moon said...

How yummy--even the name "Lemony Sunshine" is wonderful!

nicole said...

Okay, if you are going to share how delicious they are, where is the recipe? Is it online? I don't live in the Midwest, so I don't think the magazine will be available at the store. Those look yummy.

Mrs.Kwitty said...

Yummy Kristi!! And what a cute little kitchen you've got over there! Sorry you're not well--hope you're feeling better :-)
Smiles, Karen

Sonya said...

Sounds yummy! I'll have to try it this week! Your kitchen is set up just like mine! How neat!

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