Thursday, November 1, 2007

Fall Y'all Giveaway!

Well it has been decided. I am pulling a tote from my Etsy shop and will be giving it away for the:

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Here she is, the Casual French Tote:

If you are interested in winning her, simply leave a comment here! Also, click on the icon above to find many other great give aways! If you are coming here just to win the tote, I invite you to take a look around my blog. I made a couple of new bloggy friends the last time I held a give away. :-)

I will close comments Saturday Nov. 3 at midnight and the drawing will take place on Sunday (hopefully).

204 ripples:

Searching For Simplicity said...

That's beautiful! I would love to be entered.

Middle Age Hacks said...

Enter me PLEASE!!! I can always use another bag.:-) I am using my mom's username here so to contact me go here:

maggie said...

That's a beautiful bag. Please count me in your draw.

Anonymous said...

Count me in.......the bag is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! COunt me in please!

Liz said...

Beautiful bag! Thanks so much!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Very cute bag!


Rachel said...

What a nice tote! Please enter me.

TobyBo said...

I like the inside pockets... please count me in. :)

windycindy said...

Hi, Please enter me in your contest. I think the French bag is gorgeous! Thanks, Cindi

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

What an awesome tote! Please enter me!

tammy said...

please enter me, it's a beautirul bag!!!

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

That bag is beautiful! Please include me in your drawing.


Susanne said...

This is so pretty and would also be very useful!!

Becca said...

Oooooooh! please count me in! thank you!

Prisca said...

What a lovely bag! I'm glad to find your site. :)

Elysa said...

My 2 year old is my last baby and her diaper bag is kaputz. I'd love to have this tote now that she's a bit older and doesn't really need the traditional type.

Thanks for entering me. :)

momofmhasr said...

That is beautiful!

Genevieve P said...

Please enter me--one can never have too many bags!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Very cute! :)

Hélène said...

I love, love, love toile! Please enter me!

Katie said...

Neat bag, love the fabric. Thanks for the great giveaway! katie at dekabyte dot com

CanCan said...

I'm always looking for chic ways to drag my junk around!

MamaHen said...

Please pick me! THis would make a great diaper bag for my little baby boy! Wendy Clark

Denise said...

I would love to win!

Heather Casey said...

That is beautiful. I would love to win this! Count me in please!

Lil' Ladybug Designs said...

oh, how cute! count me in!

Anonymous said...

May oui on de jolie Casual French Tote!!! It is tres magnific! Pardon moi if my french sounding sound is tres Americana to vous!!!! ;-) I'd LOVE to have this beauty!

Sarah said...

I really like that!

Mrs.E said...

What a fun visit...I love everything here! This is a beautiful bag...french and toile...I love both. Thank you for including me in your giveaway :)

Unknown said...

Pick me, Pick me! :D

michelle said...

I LOVE this! It is just my style, and I could really use a new tote bag. I would love to be entered in your drawing!

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

Trina said...

This sounds maaaah-velous dahling! Put me down . . .

Sky said...

That tote would make a GREAT diaper bag! It's absolutely fabulous!

Anonymous said...

How cute! I would love to have that. Count me in please! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

oops! Sorry! I didn't realize that the link in the Fall Y'all was the same link so I entered again.

Please don't disqualify me for that!

Alaina said...

How great! I love the bag!

Andrea said...

I love this stuff. Please count me in.

Mommy said...

Oh my goodness, How pretty! I need a new diaper bag and this would be perfect! Please count me in. Thank you for giving such a pretty item! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is beautiful! Please count me in!

greg&sarina said...

Please enter me!!

Deb M. said...

Count me in please!! Your bags are beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win.

Doreen said...

Lovely! Please consider me for this contest. Thanks!

Peggie said...

This is fun! Count me in.

Aubrey said...

Adorable! Sign me up!

Pattie said...

Please include me in this contest!! Cute bag!!

brandi said...

You sure have some beautiful totes! I was wondering, and perhaps I just need to poke around your site some more to find out, but what does "etsy" mean?

The Proverbs Wife said...

FYI...your post date is showing as Tuesday january 1st 2008. I wasn't sure if you meant for that to be on there.If you did just disregard.

Anyway I would love to win the bag. I need a new bag for church.

Chad said...


Drewe Llyn said...

That purse is sooooooooooo cute! I'd love to have it. Please count me in!

April said...

Please enter me. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Enter me in!

Allison said...

You have such cute stuff! Please count me in!

Shannon said...

That's really pretty :)

Count me in!

Sarah and Jack said...

Wow Kristi, look at all these comments!

Sandy said...

Oh, I LOVE it!!

Christy said...

Cute bag. Love the website too!

Sarah said...

If I win all the bags I'm signing up to win, my DH is going to have a fit. And yet, I'm still sign up ;)

Hollie said...

What a great bag, I love senim and it would make a great bag for Sundays when I have to take alot of stuff to church.

Michaele said...

It looks like you could start a small business making gorgeous totes (hint,hint) - my husband wants the computer so I haven't time yet to see if you made it yourself, but glad to find your site, and I'll be back around! Hope your choice is random and not for the most clever comment, as I'm half asleep at the moment!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Love the bag! I am heading over to your Etsy site now because I am an Etsy addict :)


The Baker Family said...

I am so supportive of Etsy! I really like your Daisy Has the Blues bag--it must have taken you a long time to make these bags--they're all beautiful. I hope I win.

Sarah said...

Absolutely beautiful. Great items you have, I will be back to check out more soon. Thanks for the great giveaway and feel free to hop on over to my blog and check things out.

Thanks again

leiGh said...

love the bag and everything below...great stuff!

Kara Joy said...

How beautiful. I love it. Please count me in.

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

I would love to be included in your giveaway! Your bag is beautiful!

charmed said...

Please enter me arogers at gmail dot com

Denise said...

very lovely, please count me in.

Coach Paulette said...

Beautiful work - I'd love to win one!

Geri said...

Count me in!!! Thanks for the contest, I love this!!!

Shawnee said...

Too adorable!! Thanks for entering me.

Michaele said...

I take that back, I was completely asleep - you pulled the prettiest bag out of your own shop and said so in the first line. (I looked) Multi-tasking has its drawbacks. This is my second post, so don't count it by accident.

Melissa Neece said...

This is a great idea - I would really enjoy this! This bag is totally beautiful -I'm drooling - I just love all things toile!

Thanks for the contest!
(Lots of pregnancy and natural living links)


Welcome! said...

Stunning bag! My knitting projects would love to snuggle up in there! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

That really is pretty. And so durable and practical for a lovely shopping bag. The envy of all the shoppers. I'd love to win it.

mommyof8blessings said...

That bag is so very pretty!!
Please enter me too!!

Betsy said...

Enter me please!

Amber Tezel said...

Gorgeous bag! I am a bag addict, so I'd love to add it to my collection!

Ann'Re said...

Oh that is lovely! Please enter me! Thank you for a great giveaway!

e.beck.artist said...

oh ... of course i'd love your tote .... thanks .... e

Michelle said...

oh i adore toile!!!please pick me.

heather h said...

This is a cute bag. I love how it can hold more than just the smallest items. Your Etsy shop is cute, too! This is a fun giveaway!

WendyDarling said...

Beautiful bag! :-)

Hillary said...

So cute! Count me in please!

Jessica said...

Oh so cute! Great purse! Count me in!

Andrea said...

This sounds fantastic!! I'd LOVE to win this one! :)

~~Deby said...

I would is soooo me....


debsblog at gmail dot com

Shelina said...

Ooh this is so pretty, and so useful. I would love to win it.

Unknown said...

Your items are beautiful! I would love to be the winner of this really cute bag!

Check out my giveaway, too!


Queen of My Domain said...

Cute bag, please enter me.

Dana a/k/a Sunshine said...

that. bag. is. completely. adorable. I am serious!! Not just sayin that!!

Please enter me in your drawing if you would be so kind.

Thanks for the chance.


Sonya said...

You know I love your bags! I'd love to have one! Count me in!

Janet said...

Beautiful! Count me in :)

striving... said...

This is very nice. Thanks for the chance.

Amanda Jayne said...

How cute! Please count me in!

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

How did I miss this when it first posted?! Thanks for the heads-up email, mama! I would luuuuuurve to win this one. :)

Awesome Mom said...

That is a super cute tote.

noreen said...

very pretty

Ginger said...

Oh I would love that bag. It looks like it would even be good for my crocheting/knitting items. Sign me up please and go check out my potholder.

Sharon L. Holland said...

Sign me up.

Ad Tracker said...

Please enter me in your drawing!

Thanks for running this great contest :)

Michelle said...

such a cute tote!

me said...

That is a very pretty tote. Please enter me in you drawing. Thanks!

Tamara said...

That's a beautiful bag and I'd love to have it slung over my shoulder! Thanks for offering it! Tossing in my comment...

mrshuntinak AT msn DOT com

Audra Marie said...

That's really pretty. :)

Thanks for the chance to win.

writetome (at) thesilvas (dot) com

Dawn said...

This would make a great bag for my daughter! It would also be cool to win this so close to my 30th b-day.

md_murra at yahoo dot com

coolbeans said...

Gorgeous! Please count me in.

Tara said...

Love the tote and your etsy shop!

Rockin' Mama said...

Cute bag!

PastormacsAnn said...

So cute. Please count me in. Great giveaway!

lydia said...

Count me in please!

M.E. said...

Wow, you are so creative! Enter me, too! Thanks!

javede said...

What a beautifull bag!

Hollene said...

Oh, I love it! Please enter me!

Rmomof3 said...

Sooo beautiful! Please enter me! I would love to win this!



seahagstudio said...

you make beautiful bags! please sign me up! and i love etsy too! thanks,tracy

Cindy said...

Pretty, pretty... thanks for entering me apricotview at yahoo dot com

My Blessings From Above said...

Oh I love bags! Please count me in!

Bowen Family- Ashley said...

Count me in Please!!

Cia of Briarwood Studio said...

You have some lovely things here. Glad I dropped by for a visit!

Jenna said...

Very pretty! Thanks for the chance to win it.

Tia said...

So pretty. Please enter me

Jeanette J said...

Please enter me. (Canadian)

Michelle said...

Very neat, please enter me into your drawing:-).

~Nancy~ said...

So pretty! Thanks for the chance!

Be sure to enter my give away!

Unknown said...

Please enter me in your contest

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

What a neat bag! I love toile. Please enter me in the giveaway, I'd really like to win! Thank you.

Kristiem10 said...

How pretty. I'd love to win that bag. Thanks for the chance to win!

Junie Moon said...

No need to enter my name in your giveaway--I just want to say how lovely your bag is and what a generous thing to do.

Also, I'm curious about the heading of your post as it says January 1, 2008 and I'm wondering if I missed something I'm supposed to put on my calendar.

Anonymous said...

Way cool!!! PLease enter me!

Mrs. C said...

What a beautiful bag. Thank you for participating!

I clicked over to your family blog (the Wycoff one). I was curious because I went to school with some Wycoff's but I don't think there is any relation. It was in Long Island.

What a beautiful dress you made for your daughter!!! Wow. You are a talented seamstress as well as a smart pharmacologist. My mom used to sew clothes for me and my sister. I only have boys and there is no interest is sewing shirts for them. I crochet a lot but more and more I have thought about trying my hand at sewing. I just haven't taken that leap yet.

Oh yeah, please enter me. :)

Rebecca said...

What a beautiful bag! Please enter me.

Stephanie said...

WOW I would love to win this - please enter me in this great bag giveaway. :)

Thank you

Jodi said...

Great giveaway!! Count me in!!

My Life as Mama Jodi

Amy said...

Lovely! Please enter my name too. Thank you so much.

The Spicer Family said...

Thanks for giving the beautiful bag away! Jill

Sue said...

This bag would be great for this busy mom!

Jennifer (mom of four) said...

You did a great job! Please sign me up for your giveaway!

I am giving away Toile notecards and notepad!

Scott Franson Photography said...

That tote is so pretty, you did a wonderful job. Please enter me.

dee said...

one can never have to many bags!! count me in!

JewelsHud said...

I love options when it comes to bags - although being a mom makes it a little more difficult - has to be able to be cleaned! This is really cute! I'd love to win! Thanks for the giveaway!


Christine said...

What a great bag. Please enter me. Thanks

~Babychaser~ said...

In the effort of feeling more girlie these days I am in the market for a purse (in place of the diaper bag). However, since I have an 11 month old boy and am nearly 23 weeks along with my coming little girl, we need to be practical too! This little tote looks so cute!

Please enter me!

Mim said...

what a great bag and a cool blog. Please enter me. mimsfamatgmaildotcom

maggie said...

Such a beautiful bag. I would love to own it!Please count me in.

Andy said...

Such a cute bag. Count me in.

Aimee said...

Please enter me! Beautiful bag!

sam said...

I could really use this bag, please count me in!

mindi said...

Enter me please, I would love to win.

Rachel said...

Wow. What a great bag. Please count me in too.

Carmen said...

Nice! Please count me in!

Laura S. said...

what an awesome bag...I hope I am the lucky

kristi said...

beautiful! i could definitely use this!

Anonymous said...

That is really a lovely bag.

Holly said...

I love toile, and the toile/denim combo is really great. Count me in!

Linda SS said...

I love toille fabrics and this bag would be fabulous to carry around my knitting:)

Elaine said...

Beautiful! Thanks for the drawing! (from another Northern Ill. gal!)

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in this wonderful giveaway!! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Enter me. I am a southern Illinois gal. I will be back to read more after I sign up for the rest of the giveaways.


b.werts {at}

Jean said...

Love the tote, you have some really cute stuff!

Tara said...

Oh. My. Word. I need that bag! Pick me! Pick me, please. :)

Jenna Z said...

Ooh, love toile!

Rean Day said...

How beautiful. Please sign me up.

Eden said...

I would love to win! Please enter me into your giveaway. Thanx. My email is in my profile.


Kelly B said...

I have been looking for a bag just like this (totally not kidding!) On a side note, you do have alot of great (very cute) bags!


Jamie said...

I am all about bags lately...I love yours!

Guenivere said...

Beautiful Bag. Please enter me.

J. Olson

Susan said...

This has a nice look. I haven't had a new bag for 3 years!!! Help! THanks for hosting this!
lillily316 at yahoo dot com.

Jennifer said...

I love the bag - two of my favorites: toile & blue! Count me in! Good luck everyone & Happy Fall!

Linda J. said...

I would love to be entered into your drawing! :D

Cara Putman said...

What a gorgeous purse! I envy people with talent like that. Please enter me.

Gina said...

Love the bag. I desperately need one. Thanks

Nikki said...

Wow! This is a beautiful bag! I am going to be taking classes in January and I know I am going to need an extra one for all my stuff! Please enter me!

Angela S said...

That's beautiful! I would love to be entered.

Jhianna said...

What a beautiful bag! Count me in please!

Anonymous said...

How pretty! Please count me in!

Marla said...

Beautiful! Thanks!

rae ann said...

please count me in!

Ginny said...

Beautiful, honored to win!

family said...

This is a great giveaway. I could definitely use this tote. Thanks, Kathy - bigfamily8 at yahoo dot com

Amy said...

I love toile! In fact, if I win, I'll be using this bag to show my sisters (who don't know what toile is) what I've been talking about. :)

Caroline said...

What a great and useful bag!
Count me in!!

Shelly said...

I would love this!

The Saunders Family said...

i love handmade bags!

Julie said...

Ooo, pretty. And oh so handy!

Anonymous said...

I'm in! Thanks! Check out my blog, too!

LivingforGod said...

Lovely bag! Please count me in. Thanks!

BJ said...

Lovely! And unique. Count me in, and thanks!

Angela said...

That is SOO pretty. Please enter me!

Anonymous said...

I love toile! Please enter me.

Someone Beautiful said...

Oh this is beautiful! I would really enjoy it. Even the shape is beautiful-so nice and roomy too!

Thank you for the lovely offering,
mybuttercup (@) cavtel (.) net

Choppzs said...

great giveaway, sign me up!

Sassyfrazz said...

Thank you for your generousity...
Please include me!
sharvey at connections-etc dot net

Karen said...

This is fabulous, please count me in. Thanks!

kpuleski [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

Nice, count me in!

Elle Jay Bee said...

Wow. Kristi!! 196 comments before me!! I don't think I've ever seen a blog give-away with that many participants!!

I would love to be included in the draw...I already know how great your blog is!!

Spider Lady said...

I love it!!!! Enter me please!

Fa said...

Please count me in,
and thank you so much ;-)

~The JacketLover - Dedicated to all jacket lovers!~

(that includes me myself :D)

Renee said...

Absolutely love it. Thanks for this giveaway.

Londa said...

What a BEAUTIFUL bag!!! I would love to win it! Thanks!

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