Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I am Honored / Little Project

My friend Crystal was given one of my bags (one of my favs) for an early b-day present and posted it on her blog. I was also thinking of her (before she bought the bag) and how sweet of a bloggy and etsy friend she's been and made up a little pincushion for her. I saw a similar one in her etsy favorites and remembered a pattern I tore out of a quilting magazine. I'd been wanting to make one and had some extra Heather Bailey fabric scraps. I love how it turned out and even though I didn't sell it, I did remember to put my new tag on it. Go figure!

Speaking of which, my friend Lindsay in Austin got her package of the outfits I made for her girls. I'm hoping she'll post pics soon of her girls in them, but here are what they look like on my coffee table:

For Mallory

For Hadley

Sorry they are turned sideways, but hopefully you get the picture and hopefully I will get to post pictures of her girls in them when she posts on their blog.

Oh, and now you see where my leftover fabric came from for the pin cushion!

2 ripples:

Nilsa S. said...

CUTE outfits! Your sense of style reminds me a little bit of another blogger I've seen ... http://www.angelicagracedesigns.com/blog/. Check out some of her designs - looks like you could charge a pretty penny just like she does!

Andy said...

Oh I LOVE that pincushion! Let me know if you do list one in your shop. SO cute!

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