Monday, June 16, 2008

Just Some New Towels

So much going on here, very little sewing, but I did make 2 new towels. So I will show you the towels since I don't have time to talk about all that is happening! Sorry! I will be back later with an entry to the Nesters carnival!

4 ripples:

Amanda Jo said...

Ooooh...I love these!!! They are GREAT! You have some of the greatest ideas!

Hey, I thought I'd let you know that I tagged you for a 'meme' over at my blog!

I'm on my way to etsy right now to reply to your e-mail from 9 years ago.

Nilsa S. said...

So lovely! Maybe we need to add a dash of the dish towels to the make-up bag idea. Start thinking about costs (padded for your service, right -- RIGHT?) for the make-up bags so I have an idea what it's going to take! Then I can decide whether the towels are in order!

Crystal said...

I hope you are busy with wonderful things!! :) Praying for you!!

Finding Normal said...

So cute!

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