Monday, June 2, 2008

So Much to Share These Days...

I received an Etsy convo from someone in my area who is featuring two Etsy shops on her blog each week. This week I am one of them! By the way, the other is as store in town called Purple Moon Gifts (beads and jewelry). How sweet! :-) Now the kicker is that she is an AMAZING photographer! You must go on her site and look around! We must get the kids an appointment with her once we are all stable again.

We had a great day today. I set the kids outside on a blanket for lunch, this time in the front yard. I had so much fun reading and goofing around with them tonight. I love that they crave snuggles from me. How can I resist? Tonight I made an unusual, but I thought good meal. We had fresh peas in a pod from our organic delivery service. It was so fun to shuck them. I made a recipe that was included for peas and dumplings. Then steamed some purple cauliflower and for the kids made mac n cheese boiled in chicken stock and added bits of chicken breast. I would have added broccoli but we were out. I am just thrilled our kids are such excellent vegetable eaters. And I ate all vegetarian today. I really think I'd be fine without a lot of meat! Then Jason and I took a Yoga-Pi class which was nice. I still don't quite get it because I don't really feel anything. It is not at all hard and I feel like I'm doing nothing. But Jason feels it, so I guess it's doing something.

We also canceled our bare minimum basic cable and I am excited. I love a day when no TV is watched. And when the electricity was out Friday, instead of begging me to watch TV, the kids realized they couldn't and came up with plenty of other things to do.

I am feeling more confident on the employment issue. But we will see how things go. As for our other problem... things are proceeding and excellent news for us is that it is likely there will be nothing to worry about. If you would like more details, leave a comment and I'll email you.

2 ripples:

Crystal said...

LOVE that pea pic! :) So glad things are starting to look up! Any new news?

Nilsa S. said...

Sounds like a lovely day outside. Especially since today is craptastic.

Do email if you have a moment. I hope all is well...

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