Friday, July 13, 2007

And whoa..

I just looked up the prices on the pitcher and platter I bought for $5 each at a yard sale today.

Pitcher: $42.95
Platter: $49.95

(Plus shipping and handling)

OK, today's hunting trip was worth it!

3 ripples:

Angela said...

Good Deal!
I love FLOWERS! I love looking ta them but not very good at growing them. Luckily there are lots of flowers in Hawaii.

You're right, the manaia design is Maori. I'm excited to post more of this pieces on my blog. The carver is actually from Tonga. He used to sell at the Polynesian Cultural Center here on Oahu. I visited there recently and had one of the workers in NZ village ask about my necklace. He recognized it as not just Maori but as Tafu's work because he knows him. A new Disney Channel movie Johnny Kapahal:Back on Board has actors wearing his pieces. The producer came to him and got pieces.

I am going to add a link to your etsy shop on my blog.

Renee said...

Don't you love a good tag sale. I got a bunch of fabric scraps from the thrift store today for 75 cents! I sure was excited. Getiing up early tomorrow to go tag saling!

Linda said...

Wow you got some great deals. I have been inspired by so many bloggers who go to yard sales that I believe I am going to go out very soon. Thanks for sharing your finds.

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