Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New "Tool"

I went to JoAnn's yesterday and looked for a Teflon foot for my machine with my 40% off coupon in hand. Not only did I find one, I also found a Roller Foot. After talking to one of the employees, I opted for the roller foot. This foot was going to make all my sewing with vinyl woes disappear. I tried it yesterday and guess what? It works like a charm! I am so happy I've already starting thinking about what else I can sew vinyl onto.

Well here are the new tags I made using my new foot!

I hope to get these into the shop soon. I have no idea how they'll do, but I enjoy making them.

6 ripples:

Christine said...

I love love love your new tags and you have just solved my problem of sewing with vinyl. I have thrown so much away because it just got all jammed up. You would think by now I would have said "Duhhhhh" and looked for a new foot, but it never occurred to me. Thank you for posting this solution.


Kathy said...

Now, that sounds like a great idea to work with vinyl - a roller foot! Yes, I can see some vinyl projects in my future.... Thanks.

~**Dawn**~ said...

Those are *adorable*! I just may have to check those out if you put them up for sale. Now that everyone & their brother has started buying red luggage, I am back to not being able to easily spot mine, but I bet those would help out a lot!

Anonymous said...

And I was going to buy you a teflon foot after Wilberta said it worked.

Happy sewing...

Liane said...

Thanks for the tip! Your tags look great. :)

Junie Moon said...

What a great new tool. I'm going to go pick one up for myself, too. Thanks for sharing this.

I am crazy about your tags and have been wanting to make new luggage tags for our upcoming vacation. I always make a tag applicable to our destination every time we travel; it's another fun way to celebrate the vacation.

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