Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sneak Peek

I have gathered some goodies together to give away to one of my lovely readers on my birthday. I will open up the drawing on Thursday (whenever I get up and post it) and close it at noon on Friday (July 25 - my 39th birthday).

Today I'm working on a skort and matching appliqued T for Ella. Should be quick since it is from a pattern and I have a wonderful ruffler foot (thanks Mom!). Can't wait to post and let you see it.

Then I have started cutting out a purse for myself (from a pattern) and decided to put it aside and not touch it at all (or any other sewing projects) until sometime after our vacation to Michigan.

So after I get the outfit for Ella done I should have some time to tidy up the house more and work on a curtain project requiring moving a rod up and rehanging some drapes on ring clips.

Tonight Jason and I are going to see "Dark Knight" at the Imax in Lincolnshire. I didn't really care to see it until I read some of the reviews. Now I'm game. Jason already saw it over the weekend with my brother in a regular theater.

Since we have gotten rid of cable (meaning no TV channels whatsoever), we are thinking about joining Netflix. All of our videos are now getting old. Anyone out there use Netflix? What is your experience, do you like it?

4 ripples:

Crystal said...

We used to have Netflix but switched to Blockbuster online. I think BB is much better because you can use the movies they send you in the mail for free rentals in the store! I think it works out well because sometimes you want to see a movie tonight and not wait until it comes in the mail. Just my 2 cents. :)

Mrs.Kwitty said...

Oooooooh. That prize looks interesting......!

I haven't been to the Omnimax yet..I get discombobulated easily and don't think I could handle it, lol. We don't have cable either, but haven't tried the Netflix--we just go to Hollywood Video (5 day rentals).

Smiles, Karen

Andy said...

We just cashed in one of those "free trial" Netflix flyers that comes in the mail all the time. We are hooked! We are on the two movies per month and LOVE IT. You literally drop it in the mail today, and your new show is in your box TOMORROW! SO worth it!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Hi, Kristi, you were asking about the bird cages. I've had those for years. Got the middle on at Tuesday AM & the others, I think came from yardsales (where else?!). I still see lots of cute wooden ones out there. I'm sure you can still find some too.


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