I've been wanting to take more nice photos of the kids. This is a start. A beautiful creation of God, entrusted to us. And what a joy.

I saw someone wearing a sweater with a zipper like this last year and couldn't find one anywhere (not that I go shopping that much for clothes) but I did find one this year and snatched it up for holiday parties. Also bought the shoes the same day. Red, cute, but comfortable!

Almost forgot this sweet fabric "snowglobe" ornament I got from Crystal's shop. I think they are all sold out now, but she has plenty of other very cute items in her shop!

And perhaps I'll have Jason take a pick of my new necklace sometime soon.
Next up...
- Fix and finish Miles' pajamas (His head doesn't fit through the opening!)
- Make a chef's hat for Miles
- Make a masculine "dance" bag for Miles from an Amy Butler pattern I won from Crystal's giveaway many moons ago
- Do a custom order of headbands for a new client (10)
- When fabric arrives, make a handbag for brother in law's girlfriend
- Futz around trying to make some flower pins
- Make a reversible tissue box cover from an Amy Butler pattern I won from Crystal's giveaway many moons ago
- ??? Randomly find cool things I HAVE to make
I called my mom and offered to come over early on TG to help, so I feel a little better about that. Starting to figure out and purchase Christmas gifts. Maybe we will paint this weekend? We'll see what all we accomplish. Hopefully a little rest and relaxation too!
1 ripples:
Google search led me to your site! I am not sure why I was looking for blog giveaways but anyways I did had to say what a cute blog you have! love it
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