Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Negligent Blogger Here

Dear poor readers, all 4 of you (ha!).  I am so sorry that I have not been very good with the blogging.  Lots going on around here.  First of all I'm still trying to recover from last week's cold.  I'm not sure if I already mentioned that I had a test done and it was NOT the flu.  As it turns out, the swine flu does not appear to be any different than most flus and not as huge as a scare as it was made out to be.  Anyway, there was a thought it might be because we had be traveling between Chicago and Miami via air, I got very sick when we got back and my daughter was throwing up one morning.  But she was instantly better and I was negative for flu.

I feel that I left some topics hanging, so I'll try to sum them up here:

  • Earlier I was trying to decide if I would try out either the Grayslake Arts Fest or our Summer Farmer's Market.  With the Arts Fest, it was almost imperative that I be ready to accept credit cards (more expense for me) and that I buy a tent and a table.  After going to a craft show and as I thought about it, I decided I was not prepared to prepare for an Arts Fest.  Additionally, I decided to try the Farmer's Market for these reasons:  People at a Farmer's Market generally are people buying fresh produce and therefore cook.  They would be a good set of consumers to be interested in kitchen gear (which is what I sell).  Also, the farmers do not take credit cards, so most people arm themselves with CASH which makes me think it would be ok to not accept credit cards.  So my plan is to do one show per month for June, July and August.  I applied and was accepted with enthusiasm.  Yay!  In fact the coordinator complimented my items and asked "do you really make those yourself?"
  • This is the LAST week (in fact today is the last day) of teaching dance for the season.  I think I was sadder thinking about it last week.  This week is so busy, I am really accepting it as the natural end to something good.  I am truly looking forward to having more free time and enjoying the summer without teaching.  The rehearsal and recital are this weekend and I'm predicting I will be sad again either during the recital or Sunday after it's over.  We'll see how I feel.
  • Oh boy, our vacation!  I need to get around to posting some photos.  The first part of the trip was a meeting for Jason.  We stayed at the Four Seasons and it was both nice and uncomfortable.  At the Four Seasons, everything is PERFECT, the service is instant.  You are never made to wait, you are wanting for nothing.  But I was so nervous.  Was I acting ok?  Was I looking ok?  Did I tip the right person?  Every time someone did something for me and then asked for my room number, was I going to be charged?  Ugh.  That was just one night stay, then we moved to another hotel for the REAL part of the vacation.  Our hotel was right on the beach, South Beach that is.  The weather was great, food was delicious and it was just so fun and relaxing.  And did I mention we didn't have the kids?  We did a LOT of walking.  The culture and people were very interesting.  Lots of people in good physical shape.  Not so much shyness about their bodies.  Even walking down the street, people would just be wearing their bathing suits, or just very small clothing.  Another interesting thing I noticed was that people were VERY forward.  If they saw someone they liked, they'd yell over at them their interest and sometimes a conversation would result.  Anyway, it was a nice break.
  • Our kitty Paris is doing much better.  Still taking her antibiotics, not pooping in the wrong places and much more friendly (which honestly still isn't that friendly).  She just seems happier and healthier.  Even her coat seems shinier.
  • In sewing news, I've made a few more towels.  Two are in the shop.  I'm working on a set of placemats.  They are almost done, but I am having to break from that to hem a prom dress.  I am also doing a special order and making some pillows for little girls.  I have the first pillow top finished and promise to post a pic soon.

That's about it for now.  Gotta run.  Don't give up on me and my blog please!!

4 ripples:

Crystal said...

glad to see you back. :)

Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

Sometimes life gets in the way of blogging. Not such a bad thing. Outside of being sick (get better!), things sound like they're really good for you. And that's great! Keep finding ways to feel fulfilled and life is grand!

susan said...

hi!!it was nice finding out you have a blog
i was thinking of putting a list up at the shop for customers to know who's in the area. your kids are just too darn cute. you sound super busy, so i am sure you are looking forward to summer
oh, dont be mad at me, but i guess shelley did have her books waiting for you at the shop

Margaret said...

Glad you are feeling better, and that it was not the flu.
I haven't been blogging much either. We have not been doing much exciting to blog about. Being pregnant this time is making me tired, and we are just mostly relaxing.

Your trip sounds fun. I'm not comfortable in hotels like that either.

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