Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cute, yet Unavailable Pillow

I found this pillow on Etsy.

I hearted it.

It sold.

I still love it and thought I'd share it. It is the wrong shape for what I was looking for, but if you like it, maybe you can convince her to make another one for you. The seller is twolefthands. Cute user name too!

Floor Update:

All of the floors are done. The stairs remain to be an issue. The bottom step is real fancy like and curves around each side. When we moved in, there was already a split in the left side where it curves. So we are paying them to fix it. But the floor guy can't fix it. So they are bringing in their "master carpenter" (aka stair guy). He's supposed to work on that tomorrow, and then Friday the last guy or guys will come in to sand, stain and finish the stairs. I will have pics when it is all done. We can't believe we finally did this. We've been wanting to for so long and had the savings for a bit. Well we had looked into it pre-job loss, so that explains the extra 6 months or so that we waited.

Oh, and I broke down and broke out the fall decor. I really don't have much. So I got a couple of things today including a different pillow. It's not quite as nice as the one above, but it is ok for something that is probably semi-massed produced partially by computer (??). I can post pics of those too since I have enjoyed fall decor on many of the blogs I follow. Do you decorate for the seasons? I used to not, but now I do a little and it's kind of fun.

5 ripples:

twolefthands said...

Hi Kristi, what a sweet surprise! Thanks so much, I enjoyed your blog very much and I adore your sense of humor!

Kyla Bea said...

We just moved into our first house in July and now that we have a basement we're going to be tearing up the seasonal decorating....because my fiance is addicted to it. I have never encountered this until I met his family, and wow.

By Oct. 15 we will have a full fledged graveyard in our front yard, and I'm praying that this is the only time the decorating overflows out of the house!

The floors look gorgeous. I'm eyeing our hardwood floors for re-finishing but I've heard horror stories related to it costing an arm and a leg. Maybe it's something that would be DIY-able...

I'm completely in on doing a craft project/challenge, I didn't have comment e-mailing enabled when you commented on my blog so I couldn't respond to you - but lets put our heads together about something fun and get to work! = )

Anonymous said...

The floors look great!

Nilsa S. said...

I love hardwood floors. And your place looks great. I hope you'll be super happy with the warmth they bring your home!

Kathy said...

Congrats on getting the floor done!
I also need to buy some Autumn decor, I have a little but not much. It is starting to feel like fall around here, the nights are chilly and each morning there is a heavy dew on the ground. I love the colors of Autumn.

Hope you have a wonderful day.

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