Monday, March 2, 2009

Allergic to Nothing

I took photos of my fabric flower barrettes to sell on Etsy for the Cora Paige Fundraiser and really liked how they turned out. Jason helped me do some good cropping and editing on this one which I'd like to submit for the contest at the camera club we belong to.

So much for the fun stuff, now on to life's business.

My first errand today was to go to the doctor. What an ordeal this has been. I had a blood drawn back in November to be sent off and tested for typical indoor allergies. I had this test done because I am usually quite sick with respiratory infections all winter, every winter and the common theme is ridiculous amounts of post-nasal drip. She had already put me on some nasal sprays and allergy medincine. And a good chunk of the winter has gone by with very few issues! It has been heavenly.

So after having to reschedule my appointment 3 times, at the request of the doctor, I finally got in today.We definitely paid the bill from the lab already and it wasn't small, so I was determined to get the results! The kids were behaving so well in the waiting room. Ella reading, Miles playing with Duplo blocks. I was supposedly the second appointment of the day. We waited and waited, much longer than I thought we would. Finally we were put in an exam room. The kids were GREAT. We waited and waited and waited, and waited some more. The kids started melting down. Each had to use the bathroom over the course of the 1 1/2 we were waiting. Next thing you know, the nurse came in to tell us to go back out to the waiting area because it would be easier on the kids and that the doctor had an emergency.

Finally we were called back in and the doctor saw me. Her emergency? She had to go to the bank... Really? First she explained how important it was that I came in so she could explain the results to me because they weren't straight forward. Try me, I am trained in reading all kinds of scientific data and I took Immunology. Anyway, all of the tests were negative. Not much explaining necessary. I am allergic to none of the typical indoor allergens. I don't have trouble in the warmer months, so I doubt I am allergic to outdoor allergens. She apologized for not knowing what was wrong and labeled my condition "chronic rhinitis" commonly known as "runny nose" possibly caused by irritants.

Well this doctor's flakiness with her respect for other peoples time does irk me. But she is the first doctor I've had that has helped me with my major health related issues (which really, thankfully aren't that major), even if she doesn't know what their cause is.

And oddly enough. I have a cold right now complete with rhinitis...

1 ripples:

Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

You have much more patience for that kind of doctor than I do. That doctor would've known I was pissed for waiting almost two hours. And then I would've been on Yelp writing up a review. At least you don't have reason to go back to see that doctor anytime soon. =)

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